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Please join us Wednesday Nights, 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Learn More About Us

Youth Group is for anyone in grades 9th through 12th. Meetings are on Wednesday nights during the school year. Dinner is provided at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall followed by faith-building games and discussions that encourage teens to grow in their faith through worship, fellowship and service. We love for the teens to attend Wednesday evening mass at 6:30pm.

Worship activities include: Mass, monthly Adoration and Confession.

Weekly Activities may include: Peer faith talks, peer led discussion groups, fellowship building games, small groups, Apologetics Nights

Faith Building Retreats and Fellowship may include: Archdiocese Search Retreat, ACYC (Archdiocese Youth Conference) Retreat, March for Life in Washington D.C., and Parish Youth Group Retreats.

Service Opportunities and Fellowship may include: Altar servers, Ushers, Lectors, Youth Choir, 40 days for Life Campaign, Knights of Columbus Monthly Parish Breakfast, Parish Picnic, Youth Group Yard Sale, Teen aids during Religious Education Classes and Vacation Bible School, Decorating the Church for Christmas, Living Stations of the Cross and Meager Meal hosts and clean up.

Adult Volunteers: Help is needed with food preparation on Wednesday evenings and occasional set-up and break down. Adults are also needed for small group discussions chaperones are also helpful for youth trips and retreats. Please inquire with Tom if you feel called to help in any of these areas. 

The Sacrament of Confirmation

Sunday Evenings

Our Confirmation program begins in the spring semester of the 10th grade year; students are confirmed in the fall semester of their 11th grade year. Registration takes place between February and May of the 10th grade spring semester. For more information, contact Tom, Confirmation Coordinator.

Pray, hope, and don't worry.