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  • Vision:  The Community of Holy Spirit Parish is a living testament of the Love and Caring of Jesus Christ
  • Mission:  To recognize and respond with our presence to the needs of parishioners within the Holy Spirit Community
  • Scope:  Parish members and Church attendees (prospective members)

The primary role of our volunteers is to listen, pray and show that we care.  

The goal of Congregational Care is to find the “lost sheep” within our parish, and offer them the love and care of Jesus Christ.  The lost sheep are our fellow parishioners who are suffering, lonely, or in need of some help, but we, as a parish, are not currently aware of their circumstances.


There are three ministries in Congregational Care:

  • Phone Ministry:   Volunteers contact each parish family on a regular basis (quarterly) for a brief (3-5 min) call, simply to check in on the family to see if prayers are needed and if there are any issues.  If there are issues, the caller will ask whether the family would like someone from the parish to visit them.
  • Visitation Ministry:   arrangements are made for someone to visit with the parish family. The main role of visitation (about 15-20 minutes) is to listen, listen, listen, pray and observe.  During these visits some parishioners will request additional support. 
  • Support Ministry:  Volunteers offer support by helping parishioners get through a difficult time.  There may be some cases where continued support is appropriate.  Congregational Care Support Ministries will include Food, Errands, Driving, Adult Sitting, Outdoor help (mowing, etc), and Indoor help (cleaning, etc).

General Comments about the Support Ministries

  • The Holy Spirit Congregational Care Support Ministries are designed to help our fellow parishioners to navigate through a difficult period.  If a parishioner has had a loss, Congregational Care will be there to help.  For example, if someone’s husband becomes very ill and is no longer able to mow the yard, Congregational Care may elect to cut the yard for a short period of time, i.e., 2-3 weeks, which should allow the parishioner time to find a permanent, professional lawn care company.
  • The Support Ministries are not designed to be long-term care solutions.  They are meant as a bridge during a difficult time.  Whether providing food or running errands, our goal is to show Christ’s love and care through our actions and to allow the parishioner a little breathing room so that he/she can make a good long-term decision.

How to contact Congregational Care if you need help or would like to volunteer for one or more of the Ministries