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The Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Adoration Guild at Holy Spirit Parish is a prayer ministry that witnesses to the special bond between the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of His Mother Mary, and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph,  by holding an all-night vigil of Adoration and Reparation on the First Friday/First Saturday of every month.


The first goal is to celebrate the Unity and Love between the Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, so that the hearts of all of us be united to their Hearts and to each other in peace, love, and humility following their example. The second goal of the all-night vigil is to offer Reparation to the Three Hearts for the sins committed by mankind against them, as requested by Our Lord from St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (Apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Paray-Le-Monial, France, 1673) and as requested by Our Lady in her apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917.


Contemplative prayer is at the Heart of the Church and earns immense Graces upon those who practice it and upon those they pray for. The objective of the Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Adoration Guild is to offer prayer to God by means of the monthly vigil of Adoration and Reparation on the first Friday/First Saturday of the month so that tremendous Graces of Conversion, Healing, Virtue, Growth, and much more be poured not only on the Clergy and Parishioners of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish, but also on the whole Montgomery Area, as well as the Archdiocese of Mobile, as well as the state of Alabama, as well as the whole United States, as well as the WHOLE WORLD, just as we pray in the Divine Mercy Chaplet: “Have Mercy on us and on the WHOLE WORLD”!


All persons interested in contemplative prayer in union with the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are welcome to attend the vigil of the Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Adoration Guild at Holy Spirit Parish, who meet for prayer once per month on the evening of the First Friday of each month until the morning of the next day, the First Saturday of the month. On the month where First Friday and Saturday don’t follow each other (when the beginning of the month falls on a Saturday) the vigil of Adoration and Reparation in held on the First Friday/Second Saturday weekend.


The monthly format of the First Friday/First Saturday of the month Vigil of Adoration and Reparation consists of opening the vigil on the First Friday of each month by celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 6:30 pm. and then praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary at 7:00 pm.  Our Eucharistic Lord is exposed on the Altar for all-night Eucharistic Adoration that ends at 8:00 am the next day (First Saturday of each month) with a Mass in honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary followed by the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The vigil is open to all who desire to attend. The church is open all night, and all are encouraged to participate in the Masses, and to spend time in Adoration as long as they desire and their schedule permits.