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The mission of Floral Ministry is to create a welcoming, refined and esthetically pleasing environment that promotes the intent of the liturgy and heightens our encounter with God.

The purpose of the floral committee is to enrich the spiritual environment for the entire church membership. This is accomplished by beautifying the church with plants and flowers (real and silk) on Sundays, special occasions such as Easter and any other Pastor approved holiday observances. The committee secures the flowers and arranges them based on the liturgical calendar. In addition to plants and flowers, the Church Floral Ministry uses a wide variety of items in and around the church building to enhance the liturgies; items such as pots, ribbons, cloth, wreaths, garland, wood and dried foliage. The members remove and dispose of the floral arrangements as appropriate. The committee also assumes the responsibility of removing and storing seasonal decorations on a schedule consistent with the calendar and traditional time frames. Maintaining the decoration and reproduction flower storage area, and replacing supplies and materials are routinely completed.  During the months of May and October, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary fresh flowers are arranged and placed by the Blessed Mother. Contributions for these arrangements are donated by parishioners who wish to honor or in memory of a loved one. Members of the committee arrange to have these flowers picked up and delivered. The dedicated members of this ministry meet as needed to prepare for the specific liturgical seasons. The presence of flowers symbolized Christ’s victory over death.