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The mission of the music ministry is to enhance the liturgy for Sunday Masses, Holy Day Masses and other services.  There are always openings in the music ministry.  Find the place you belong the best, and you will find family at Holy Spirit.

Children's Choir

Children from second through fifth grade are welcome in this group. The choir sings about once a month throughout the school year. Keyboard players and guitar players are welcome. Children's Choir Director needed

Life Teen Band

The Life Teen band is comprised of adults leading the music for the Life Teen Mass at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. Guitars, keyboard, drums and singers make up this band. Other instruments are also welcome. Auditions required.


A Cantor or Leaders direct the congregation in the music for Mass when there is not a choir. The schedule for song leading is very open. You could sing as often as every week or as little as once a month depending on the number of volunteers. This position requires some training for “first-time” song leaders.


If the time you can give is very limited,please volunteer to substitute for an accompanist or cantor. We are always in need of people to play or sing for special occasions (Weddings and Funerals) or when a regular member is sick or on vacation.

Adult Choir

This choir sings on Sunday mornings at the 8:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Mass, alternating months. The choir sings in multiple parts accompanied by either the piano or the organ. Reading music is not required, and there are no auditions.

Youth Choir

This choir includes children from 7th through 12th grades.