About the Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is necessary before one can receive any other sacrament. It is the first sacrament of Christian initiation which is completed with the sacraments of Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist. Baptism was instituted by Christ when he was baptized by St. John the Baptist and when he commanded his apostles to go and baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (MT 28:19)
Baptism removes all sins committed after birth and original sin. It makes us children of God, members of the Church, and heirs to the kingdom of heaven. Baptism imprints an indelible character on the soul of the recipient and can be received only once.
Receiving the Sacrament
The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated and can be administered both during Mass or outside of Mass.
For adults, the Sacrament of Baptism is normally given after a period of preparation, usually through OCIA. Visit our OCIA page if you are an adult looking to be baptized in the Catholic Faith.
If you would like to schedule a child or infant baptism, please contact Karen in the parish office. Parents are required to attend a baptism preparation class prior to scheduling a date for baptism. If a child is 8 years old or older, please contact Marie Thompson in Faith Formation. Additional classes for the child will be needed.
Choosing a Godparent
- Is a baptized Catholic who has received the Eucharist and has been Confirmed.
- Must be at least 16 years of age.
- Is a practicing Catholic who participates in the Eucharistic celebration on Sundays.
- Gives a good example of living their Catholic faith.
- Willing to encourage the child to develop and grow in the Catholic faith.
- If there are two sponsors, one must be male and the other female.
- The two godparents do not necessarily have to be of the same marriage.
- If they are living with someone like husband and wife, their marriage must be seen as valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
- A baptized non-Catholic may not be a sponsor but may serve as a Christian witness alongside a Catholic sponsor. Together they carry out the role of godparents in the baptism. Non-baptized persons may not serve in the role of sponsors or witnesses.