About this Sacrament
“[Jesus] calls [us] individually by name. Each one of us — clergy, religious, layperson, married, single, adult, child — has a personal vocation. God intends each one of us to play a unique role in carrying out the divine plan.” U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults, pg. 452. Men and women may be called to the religious life, single life, or married life. The sacrament of Holy Orders was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper. The grace of the sacrament imprints an indelible character on the soul of the recipient and configures him to Christ.
Only baptized men may receive the sacrament of Orders and only once in each of its degrees: deacon, priest, and bishop. Only men willing to embrace celibacy may be ordained as bishops and priests. Unmarried men may be ordained as deacons if they embrace celibacy. Married men may be ordained as deacons if they are willing never to marry again (even if a spouse should die).
The practice of ordaining only baptized men rests on the decision of Christ to call only men to these orders in the Church. Not even Mary, the Immaculate Conception, was called by Christ to be a deacon, priest, or bishop.
Please reach out to Fr. Patrick Gilbreath, the Archdiocesan Vocation Director to learn more information about ordained ministry or the religious life (communities for men and women).
Information can also be found on the Archdiocese of Mobile Websites :
Email Fr. Gilbreath
Archdiocese of Mobile Priesthood
Archdiocese of Mobile Religious Life