Holy Spirit Parish is a multi-cultural Catholic community advancing our faith by making the Word of God come alive through prayer, liturgy, education, evangelization, and stewardship. This mission statement describes the common bond and purpose for Holy Spirit Parish. The common bond is our Catholic Christian faith.

In living the Word of God our faith is seen by all through authentic and genuine actions, not just words. In coming together and sharing prayer, liturgy, learning and service we grow with and support each other in our faith-based journey. Through experience and service, we commit to share God’s blessings with others in our surrounding area and around the world.  

Parish Family Registration

Please fill in all blanks, especially addresses, emails and phone numbers. Please return form to the parish office by way of email. mail, drop off, fax or put into the offertory collection at Mass. If you need additional room for more family members, please use a copy of this form or a blank sheet. Thank you for your help.